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Writer Profiles. Be Optimistic
Writer profiles part 1 1) The academic writer. Rocket scientist—English degrees & poets—editors. 2) The fantasy, sci-fi, horror, or...

Recovering Pantser
Don’t get caught with your pants down. Hi, my name is Charl and I’m a Pantser. (Hi Charl.) I’ve been clean for sixty days. (Enthusiastic...

Pesky Dialogue Tags
Tackling the subject of dialogue tags is not hard. Let’s face it, he/she said, responded, shouted, murmured, whispered, hissed, growled...

Found a New Writing Toy
I found a new writing toy, the voice. I've added a link below. Go about halfway down the website for step-by-step instructions for a PC....

Are you a hamster?
The book starts of well. You are inspired and going at it for hours, day after week and the book is done in three months. You give it a...

Cheapest way to edit?
The manuscript is done and dusted. Now I can kick back and let an editor do the grunt work. That's what editors are for, right?...

Hallooo, is there anyone out there?
I don't know how many millions of people, dogs or cats troll the internet, but I know it's a crap-house. Every writer aspires to being...
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